Tag Archives: Distorting History

The Might of Idiocy

Here’s a little Thanksgiving untreat — the dumbest story of the year. It is revelatory of how stupid a large portion of America is and how polluted our cultural and educational system has become.

Hilary Duff, a B List actress and singer who had some success as a teen on, I think, the Disney Channel back in the 1990s, went to a Hollywood costume party dressed as a Pilgrim and her boyfriend accompanied her as an Indian.

Admittedly, the saucy outfit wasn’t exactly what real Pilgrim’s would have worn (a bit much leg, ahem), but harmless enough. The Indian outfit was a typical buckskin and feathers outfit, relatively historically accurate. The beard was a bit off since Indians don’t sport beards.

But of course, as with everything under the sun, libtards had to freak out and turn it into an issue. Apparently self-appointed libtard cultural commissars have declared dressing as a Pilgrim and an Indian to be not acceptable. In fact such activity seems to be equated with a major crime.

An example of such idiocy is Hilary Duff And Boyfriend Offend With Racist Pilgrim And Native American Costumes,” from professional clown HuffPo’s Colby Delbyck.

Young master Colby declares these to be “the worst couples costume ever.” I rather doubt that. People have dressed as Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun, as various grotesque diseases, Jack-the-Ripper and victim, etc. Ah, the libtard, everything is such an extreme.

Then Commissar Colby asserts, “cultures are not a costume.” Really? Then what would a costume be? Costumes have long been defined by various cultures. They are often identifiers of particular cultures and subcultures. Colby, were you awake in anthropology class?

Sadly, it is ignorant fools like Colby (named after a cheese, which is a cultural thing, too), who provide cultural material to people. Readers might assume that the writers of such material are somewhat informed but they would be disappointed. Most writer/reporters today are shockingly ignorant of even the basics. But that doesn’t stop them from going into overdrive on almost everything. They seem to try to make up for their ignorance with passion (usually anger).

Colby somehow drags in protests over a pipeline in North Dakota. Like I said, the libtard will politicize everything because in their shallow minds, everything is connected. Halloween Party Costume=Oil Pipeline Protest.

Such mentality used to be recognized as a mental defect, or simply sloppy thinking. Today it is the pure form of libtard intellect.

Amusingly, Colby insists that Hilary and beau have committed “racist” offenses, unaware that Pilgrims aren’t a race. But then “racist” doesn’t mean what it used to, being nothing more than an invective hurled these days wantonly like “dummy.”

As for the legions of people allegedly being offended, I doubt anyone not with a hypersensitive nitro glycerine-level of offense-seeking was remotely moved by these costumes. If anything, I’m offended by the infantilism of people like Colby. Humanity is doomed with folks as moronic as Colby (and so many others whining) proliferating.

I realize that “Pilgrims” have been declared politically incorrect and there’s an attempt to distort their history and expunge them from their important role in American history. That’s very sad and doesn’t say anything positive about the folks doing the purging — including large numbers of supposedly “educated” people and people responsible for educating the next generations.

Needless to say, the average Pilgrim, women and children included, are easily twice the man as people like Colby and the typical Pajama Boy libtard of today. Colby and his ilk would have lasted about 8 seconds in 1620 North America.

Actually he would have never survived the voyage. In fact, he would never have had the intellectual fiber to be the independent thinking, deep believer in God that the Pilgrims were. People like Colby need coddling mother government, fueled by the fruits of people Colby hates, to keep him living in the luxury he so deplores in others.

Furthermore, Colby would not be enjoying the life he leads now were it not for people like the Pilgrims. Ingrate is too weak a word to describe the libtard of today. It is a grain of sand on a vast beach of ingratitude and hypocrisy.

In addition, weak, easily moved minds loathe those who have deep beliefs. The believer is to be mocked by those subsumed in neverending doubt papered over by conceit and arrogance.

But back to the main point. Why can’t people like Colby let others wear what they wish to a harmless costume party? These very same judges eagerly shout down anyone commenting on “slut-wear” sold to children for everyday clothing. “Do not judge!” they intone as they immediately rush to judgment.

Why the constant public trials and the eventual pressure to make Duff grovel like a penitente from the ages of the Spanish Inquisition?

Ah, but that is just the point, it is an inquisition; a modern inquisition, conducted by a religious movement which deludes itself that it is not a religion.

These people are stoking a cultural war.