Hillary Clinton and the Nerve of Gall

Or the gall of nerve, your choice.

I caught a college basketball game on the Big Ten Network (BTN) last week. I make this note because during a commercial break a Hillary Clinton for president ad ran. I won’t get into the (BTN) demographic choice (I’d guess IOWA!) but I will get into the substance.

The theme was how great Hillary Clinton would be for America’s security – national and international. At first I thought it was a satirical counter-ad and waited for the Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or Carly Fiorina sponsorship message but it was actually sponsored by some kind of pro-Hillary entity. Of course there was no mention of Libya, Russia, Iran, China, terrorism, geopolitical chaos nor any reference to answering phone calls at 3 a.m. But there was plenty of her droning on about how security can be like a big thing sometimes and the implication that no one would work as hard as Hillary to make America safe. Because, well, because she said so… Kind of… Wow! With a message that strong (and rational), who wouldn’t vote for her?????

Over to you, low-information voters.

Next up – Peter Dinklage wants you to vote for him to be the lead in the next Wilt Chamberlain biopic and, playing on the Game of Thrones theme, – Cersei Lannister campaigns for Mother of the Year and Jamie Lannister pitches himself as a juggling teacher.

3 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton and the Nerve of Gall”

    1. I was just looking at revising that when your comment came by. It was a comedy if you remember but my point was that Hamilton was famous for being a tanning freak and Dracula is killed by such rays. But I think I’m being too clever by a step (which means I’m not clever at all) so I’ll revise). Thanks for the input.


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