Category Archives: Celebrities


I, like many others, have been enjoying the torment and embarrassment of “Senator” Al Franken. There are few more disgusting and reprehensible people than he and he deserves every atom discomfort afflicting him. Please, Minnesotans, don’t vote for this guy next time.

Having said that, it has to be said that the reaction to the picture of him “sexually assaulting” or “sexually harassing” super-sexy Leeann Tweeden is overdone. It’s obviously a joke, whether Tweeden was in on it or not. A poor joke, yes; a bad idea for a joke, yep; but an attempt at humor. It helps to remember that Franken was at the time, a comedian. Obviously not a very good one.

He stinks at two jobs – comedian and senator.

Which brings me to a second thought. In our new, hyperpuritan* atmosphere the late, great Benny Hill would likely be Public Enemy #1. His leering, bald-faced, though impotent, sexual innuendo is clearly verboten these days. Plus, the various dolls prancing about on his show would be considered persona non grata with our modern self-appointed feminist-driven cultural commissars.

Along that same line I expect that Plautus, handfuls of Elizabethan and Restoration Comedy playwrights, along with innumerable French scribes, not to mention packs of more modern stage authors who tossed around sex just to shock, would seem to be destined for the new bonfires of vanities.

I’ll wind up on another point, this one on the current slaughter of various Hollywood and TV bulls. Here’s a typical story we’re hearing pert near every day. Something dawned on me as I read this piece.

This producer, now being read out of Hollywood’s more respectable environs (snort!), may not be so willing to simply go away.

It’s possible that a lot of these mighty entertainment titans aren’t going to go quietly into exile or retirement. They could easily start their own production companies and compete against the hypocritical pansies that fired them… Hollywood isn’t the monolithic, closely controlled business it used to be and new IP distribution models like Amazon, Netflix, etc., will allow them to bypass the PC gatekeepers and feed straight to an audience.

Content is desperately needed to feed the insatiable fires of consumers, especially youth. Many of these accused are very good at program and movie making. Short of pedophilia, necrophilia or murder, a lot of potential viewers are willing to look the other way in return for a little entertainment.

*By “hyperpuritan” I mean no disrespect to the original Puritans, a complicated but sincere people who are treated unjustly by pop history (and a number of professional historians as well).

Down the Memory Hole She Went

That was quick. It seems that Sara Leigh “Reality” Winner has had her 15 minutes of fame in the eyes of our MSM news gatekeepers. Her story — leaking classified information to reporters — has been sent down Orwell’s Memory Hole after one day in the limelight because her identity was inconvenient for the Democratic Party/Socialist Media Alliance; much like the recent Bernie Sanders-loving Portland “White Supremacist” killer story was quickly euthenized. It’s so hard to keep memes alive when the facts run contrary to them. But our media is nothing if not diligent in watering the memes and keeping them on the front page and at the top of the hour — “trending” as the hipsters say. Another episode in Fake News.

Of course had this happened during the administration of King Barry I and Winner had leaked something embarrassing to The One, and assuming some MSM outlet had initially gone with it, the story would have quickly turned upon her as the MSM deployed dozens to dig up dirt on her (aided and abetted by the DNC and assorted Dem nonprofit activist groups). Reporters would be looking into her kindergarten records – all to cast aspersion on her. But it was different this time. She avoided becoming infamous but instead becomes a nonperson. It’s all still so Orwellian.

Before I let Winner fade away, I wanted to recommend Monica Showalter’s piece at The American Thinker — “Another Young Lefty Contracter Leaks Top Secrets.” Looking at the disaster train — Edward Snowden, Bradley “Chelsea” Manning, she accurately describes the upcoming egotistically clueless, often disturbed, Millennial generation and the depressing state of security clearance investigations.

Wednesday morning’s anti-Trump news was the “rift” between Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions or the perceived “rift” or the “rift” that was a few weeks old – this courtesy of the NYT, WaPo and AP – so it must be true.

Then came the “breaking announcement” of Trump’s nomination of a new FBI director which was immediately deemed suspicious and a diversion from James Comey’s upcoming testimony. Sen. Mark Warner immediately said that to back up the MSM.
Of course had Trump waited until after the Comey testimony the story would have been deemed suspicious and a diversion from the “historic” testimony of James Comey, blah, blah, blah. Damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t is how the media spins Trump in every story. The man could cure cancer and the media would whine he’s putting hardworking health care professionals, “historically” minorities, out of work…

That’s how “our” “news” gets made.


On Griffin 2

This little piece on Jim Carrey’s and Rosie O’Donnell’s reactions to the Kathy Griffin mess demonstrates the utter depravity of the cultural liberal.

Carrey said, “I think it is the job of a comedian to cross the line at all times — because that line is not real.” I’m not sure how one crosses an unreal line… but, Mr. Carrey, the job of a comedian is to be funny. That might involve crossing some line but it usually doesn’t. Someone whose sole job is to “cross the line” is a provocateur.

He added the utterly predictable liberal masturbation, “We’re the last line of defense. And really, the comedians are the last voice of truth in this whole thing.” Oy, if there are two things about comedians, it’s that they are not the last line of defense nor ever the last voice of truth.

Jim Carrey is a funny guy (usually) but he thinks far too much of himself.

As for Rosie O’Donnell – she preferred to reference Barron Trump and the maniac in Portland that stabbed two people while harassing two women. She blamed that on Donald Trump. Apparently Rosie missed the discovery that the attacker was a Bernie Sanders supporter (along with having a screw loose, but then that goes without saying). Hey, Rosie, aren’t you sweet on Bernie, too?

All of which leads me to that Portland story. Rosie’s ignorance of the facts of the case might have to do with the fact that the story disappeared out of the mainstream media as soon as it was revealed that the killer was a Sanders and Jill Stein supporter. Since those facts didn’t appear in the NYT, WaPo, AP, CNN, MSNBC, mainstream TV, et al, as they were contrary to the approved meme it was impossible for her to know her talking points. The last she had heard were the first reports, “White supremacist kills two…” and they eagerly, giddily hinted that we had another Dylann Roof. That’s where she is stuck – parrots have to be retrained when new things come along.

It’s not an accident that the story went down the MSM’s Orwellian memory hole. The MSM is a propaganda organ and anything contrary to the approved memes can’t be “news.” They should be ashamed of themselves but as we’ve learned, the liberal has no shame.

Mercy For Griffin

Yeah, that’s a tough one and though she doesn’t deserve it but I’m actually advocating some mercy for “Comedienne” Kathy Griffin after her foolish participation in some “performance art” featuring a fake severed Donald Trump.

Performance art has long been a scam. Was it ever anything else? It’s been the forum of the talentless and angry.

I have little doubt that Griffin’s apology is probably more motivated by the backlash and sudden realization of the mortality of her own career than any heartfelt understanding that what she did really was wrong.

She’s been a long-time twisted liberal hatchetwoman, little different than so many TV comics. That she’s found a home on CNN for so long tells you about where there head is.

Having said all that, I do advocate some mercy for her.

Our society, led by the liberal cultural commissars, has become vicious often seeking metaphorical bloodsport, in destroying people’s careers over the slightest “outrageous” transgression. Liberals love to seek and be “outraged.” There are times when it seems all that liberals live for is to be “outraged” by something.

Conservatives are used to this as they are the ones usually on the receiving end of these outrage fits.

The list of folks whose careers were dented or destroyed over some “outrageous” comment

My response on all of this is for people to lighten up and get a sense of humor.

Yeah, there was no humor involved in this incident but performers like Griffin need some latitude for the occasional faceplant. ALL performers need this.

Comics do go too far sometimes. It’s what many do and ideally they learn.

On the other hand, she has repeatedly demonstrated she is a horrible person so she should have some humility. I’m not advocating she go tearfully onto the Ellen or Oprah shows (and give one of those nonapology apologies) but it would be nice to see real contrition. Maybe an afternoon in some stocks in a public square in a Texas town and children pelting her with rotten fruit and vegetables – on live TV. For charity, of course.

Griffin is so illustrative how far out the American left is. How easily “Death to Trump” rolls off their tongues.

Imagine if this was a conservative comic – there are a few out there but they don’t get big-time jobs on TV like a low-rent comic like Griffin gets. But imagine the nuclear holocaust that would have been visited on, say, Steve Crowder if he’d displayed a plastic head of Obama. The energy radiated alone in vaporizing him would have raised the Earth’s surface temperature by a couple of degrees. Every Republican on the planet would have been asked/required to denounce him… Remember how “everyone” went ape poop when a cartoonist had Obama as an organ grinder’s monkey? Oy!

Yeah, it’s not fair but we’ve become a hypersensitized society and that only plays into the hands of the liberals.

An Example of Libtard Arrogance

I’ve been meaning to write a blurb on the Matt Damon/Stella Artois (Interbrew) commercial/PSA about the “global water crisis.”

Yeah, despite all those glaciers melting and the seas rising, soon to overwhelm New York City, there’s a shortage of water in some places.

They usually call those places deserts and the third-world. Making sure you have a steady supply of clean water is a sure sign of a modern, competent civilization.

Anyway, the company touts its efforts to get clean, fresh water to women (not to men? Aren’t they thirsty too?). It’s kind of a well-meaning program and would certainly be commendable as a stop-gap for emergencies.

The thing that gets me is Matt’s close: “We can be the generation that ends the global water crisis.”

Wow, that’s a big goal.

I like big thinking but, somehow, I doubt handing out water bottles individually is really going to end the “global water crisis.” Certainly not in the next few years.

The lack of even distribution of water resources has been a problem for quite a long time.

Depending on the location, there are only a few easily identified conditions causing a water problem.

It’s usually a lack of precipitation, cultural dysfunction, poor government or a mixture of those.

This is yet another example of the arrogant libtard’s strange fantasy world. A world where they can will things that have failed others. They are sure they can undo King Canute’s point that there are things beyond man’s control.

It’s like the endless “causes” they are obsessed with; that seem to make up their whole life. It’s always just a matter of throwing money at a problem, wearing a ribbon, walking a few miles, lighting a candle, signing a petition, going to an event, visiting a website, being really, really, really concerned. If we just perform one of more of these rituals, the cause will magically be resolved.

We can cure X or stop Y if we just try; as if people hadn’t tried before (and the libtard, in another display of their patented arrogant ignorance, is usually sure that no one ever did try until he came along).

The arrogance and conceit of these people is monumental and they are completely oblivious to it.

I would love to get some odds from Damon on ending that water crisis.

Say It Ain’t So, Jean-Luc!

This story is just depressing. It’s really sad that Patrick Stewart wants to become and American citizen to America to disrupt it and hate… Why should he be let in with that attitude?

Why can’t he be a builder, not a breaker?

It’s so childish. It’s part of the liberal mentality.

Jane Fonda: I’m a Victim, Too!

This interview, “Me, Jane,” stinks and wreaks of attention-seeking. Jane Fonda obviously feels she’s being left behind in the all-consuming race for attention that governs most actors.

It’s also part of a seemingly new phenomenon, victimism. Certainly it’s never been as strong as it is now — the desire by so many to be seen as victims. In this case we have a highly successful, world famous, high-profile, award-winning multimillionaire yearning to be seen as a victim.

A few points.

Fonda says, “It took me 60 years to learn how to say no,” and portrays herself as some kind naive hayseed. She seems to have confused herself with young Cat Ballou.

Does anybody believe that Fonda has been a shrinking violet her whole life? She grew up in Hollywood, the daughter of Hollywood royalty. Her brother was Peter Fonda, who was on the cutting edge of every hippy hipster experimental lifestyle movement that came down the pike.

She claims she discovered feminism after seeing “The Vagina Monologues,” which debuted in 1996.

Okay, here you already know we’re being snowed. Jane Fonda was already active in feminism in the 1970s. The interviewer doesn’t bring this up.

“The men in my life were wonderful, but victims of a [patriarchal] belief system,” she says.

Would that include Henry Fonda, darling of classic America Hollywood liberalism?; Peter Fonda (see above)?; Free Love playboy Roger Vadim?; or Commie pinko icon Tom Hayden? That’s a pretty broad leftwing spectrum of male chauvinist pigs ya’ got there, Janie.

She worries that the Hollywood Blacklist is coming back because of so many stars speaking out (from the left). She means the one against liberals not the one that the liberals, who control Hollywood, have against conservatives.

The poor thing relates that she recently went to protest a pipeline in Alberta, Canada, and the locals at the airport had the nerve to tell her to go home, they didn’t want her around. She whimpers that so many people disagree with her and they (unjustly) complain that she’s a spoiled, ignorant, elite brat. She apparently says this with a straight face.

Poor, Jane, the world just doesn’t understand how lucky it is to have her speaking out. Snap to it, people, Janie has places to be, people to meet, clothes to model, glamor to bask in. What do you have, peasant!?! Learn your place!

She worries that the health care “infrastructure” will collapse when Planned Parenthood is defunded. You see, so many women get their health care from PP, according to Jane.

Uh, no they don’t. It’s an abortion mill franchise almost exclusively. That’s like describing “Hour Eyes” as a full service medical establishment.

Of course a Hollywood woman who got her start playing on her looks now complains that women are judged on their looks and that’s not fair to older women, which said complainer has become. She then leaps eagerly into a photo shoot to demonstrate what a hot MILF she is.

And people wonder why liberals so often come across as airheads.

Much of the interview is little more than a mutual tongue bath between Fonda and “activist and actress,” typically narcissistic Millennial Brie Larsen (who constantly inserts herself into the interview – Brie, honey, you’re dimwitted doll, but this isn’t about you.).

Jane regales us with the numerous times that she stood up to her “boss.”

When did Jane Fonda ever have a “boss”? When she was known as the daughter of Hollywood power Henry Fonda? Not bloody likely. Who’s going to cross Henry Fonda? When she was a producer, award-winning actress and bankable star in the 1970s-80s? Who was going to commit occupational suicide battling her? When she was Tom Hayden’s running buddy trying to pull the Democratic Party to the left and revolutionize America? Good luck getting any invites to Hollywood’s coolest parties. When she was “feeling the burn”? At the time she was one of the most recognizable and influential celebrities on the planet.

The biggest bombshell here is the claim to have been raped and sexually abused. She doesn’t name names and is quite coy on that, simply stating it as if noting she was on a plane few times. It has a “me too,” feeling about it. As if no one would ever admit they hadn’t been on an airplane, how gauche.

Sexually abused? I’m a bit skeptical but maybe when she was very young; before she was “liberated.” A lot of that free love and Hollywood swinging back in the 1960s and 1970s is now considered “abuse.” (Remember how these very same people accused people who behaved themselves back then of being squares and uncool, now they have flipped their viewpoint but refuse to acknowledge that the uncool squares back then were really right! Ah, being a liberal means never having to say you were wrong!)

Who knows, maybe she’s referring to liberal icon Tom Hayden or superswinger Roger Vadim? Both are now conveniently dead as are all those patriarchal producers, directors and male co-stars. I’m assuming she’s referring exclusively to men…

Jane obviously doesn’t want these young women hogging all the attention with their rape and sexual abuse stories. Those founding mothers of feminism are showing the young whippersnappers that they can match them for victimization. In fact, they were victims before these neophyte feminist small fry were glints in the eye of their mothers’ turkey basters… Double in fact, they practically invented victimization.


A Big Lie

While out running errands on Saturday I popped into the barbershop. The barber keeps the TVs on Fox News. Not bad, so much better than CNN, but I’d have preferred the MLB Network or NHL Network. Fox can be annoying too.

I tried not to pay any attention but one story caught my attention. There was some rally for “Immigrant Rights” in Hollywood or featuring Hollywood celebrities.

The babbling actors and actresses kept pretending that Pres. Trump had simply banned foreigners and immigrants. Mass deportations and house-to-house searches were about to happen (applause and boos).

I wondered as I listened, why do they so grossly mischaracterize what Trump is doing? Do they not know what he is doing?

That’s a possibility considering the way the lamestream media misreports all things Trump. They probably also rely on their friends and other fellow libs in the hermetically-sealed Media-Entertainment Complex bubble. Actors and actresses are generally not too bright but often want to be thought highly of by appearing studious and thoughtful.

And there is the possibility that they know they are lying but do it anyway — to be popular and signal their virtue. And maybe they want to have anyone, from anywhere, be allowed to come to the United States whenever they wish. It would be nice if they just honestly admitted that, rather than accusing Trump of calumny.

It gets frustrating watching reporters, politicians, activist groups and celebrities try to dupe the public by conflating illegal aliens with standard immigrants — who are not threatened by Trump’s orders.

If only we had a group of people who would transmit the actual facts to the general public. That’s such a great idea. I wonder if I can copyright that????

CBS Radio News Fails, Again

On Thursday morning CBS Radio News demonstrated again why so many complain about media bias.

Concerning the story of left-wing anarcho-fascists rioting in Berkeley, Calif., and forcing the University of California to cancel a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos (after it had promised to have enough security to prevent such a happening), anchor Frank Settipani described Yiannopoulos as the (or an) editor of the “ultra right-wing website Breitbart.”

Frank, have you ever uttered the term “ultra left-wing”? Like maybe in describing the rioters?

I’d hazard to answer that’s a no.

And that’s part of the problem with the media, most of them don’t see anyone to their left.

Oh, and here’s one of CNN’s contributions afterward, “Milo Yiannopoulos Is Trying to Convince Colleges that Hate Speech Is Cool.”

You see, in their eyes, it was all Milo’s fault that the protestors had to get out of bed or put down their bongs to go riot and stop him from speaking. He deserved to be shut down.

And the media wonders why it is so reviled…

What Would Loki Do?

Maybe you caught actor Tom Hiddleston’s act of pusillanimity at the recent Golden Globe Awards, or rather after them.

Hiddleston was being rewarded for his performance as the spy in John Le Carre’s “The Night Manager.” (Not a bad little mini series.) Hiddleston imparted the typical little tale of fame — that some aid workers in Sudan had said they had enjoyed his performance. It had brought a little joy into their generally hard life.

No sooner had those words passed his lips than the professionally aggrieved came out of the Twitter shadows and unleashed a hellstorm upon Hiddleston for daring to use such noble folks for cheap sentimentality.

Hiddleston is possibly better known to big screen audiences as Loki, from the Marvel Comics series. Loki is Thor’s ambitious and devious half-brother. He does not suffer fools gladly.

So the spectacle of Loki groveling before a bunch of hypersensitive offense seekers for what was merely an innocent comment is absurd.

Man, grow a set and tell these cretins to eff-off. That’s the least Loki would do.