Category Archives: Boycotts

Reebok Lectures Trump

Athletic shoe maker has decided to attack Donald Trump for… get this… his compliment to the French first lady.

So the cretins… er… superior moral judges at Reebok felt the need to chide Trump. What is it with these people that they feel compelled to mouth off on things that aren’t their business?

For Pete’s sake, it was a harmless compliment, yet these school-marmish scolds can’t control themselves.

Are they in such an echo chamber that they cannot see they are angering a large portion of their market? For no reason whatsoever? The people who don’t like Trump aren’t going to dislike him more for this. Do the geniuses at Reebok think those folks will toss aside their Nikes and run out to buy a pair of Reeboks because of this?

Anybody who doesn’t have an opinion on the topic certainly isn’t going to be swayed by this petty silliness and the large group that voted for Trump are now annoyed and certainly not thinking fondly of Reebok.

Well, Reebok, you just lost another potential customer… but look on the bright side, you’ll always have your arrogance to keep you warm at night…

NCAA Issues Hostage Demands

The NCAA, putatively a nonpartisan college athletics organization, has now demanded that the sate of North Carolina laws enact laws that the NCAA approves of rather than those legislated by the representatives of the citizens of the state or the NCAA will not allow any special NCAA events take place in the state, like, forevuh!

It is specifically trying to promote laws favorable to “transgender” people rather than the vast majority of citizens of the state. It is estimated that “trangendered” people make up less than 1% of the population. In other words 99+% are supposed to bend over backwards to accommodate a confused <1%.

North Carolina’s representatives in Washington need to move against the NCAA and remove its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status since it has become highly politically active, in opposition to its charter. Additionally, the state should move against the organization in civil courts.

The NCAA has become nothing more than a political activist organization and should be treated as such. It is an ally of the Democratic party.

Interestingly, the NCAA has been very circumspect on allowing “transgender” athletes, there are very few of them, to play on the teams they want to play on. Of course hypocrisy is the mark of the liberal.

I have been boycotting the NCAA for awhile now… And found I can live without it. And it also bleeds ESPN. Join me!

Bud Light Party Loses the Vote

Good news! Anheuser-Busch has pulled their disingenuous “Bud Light Party” liberal propaganda program masquerading as an ad campaign ahead of its previously scheduled run (until the election).

Apparently Amy Shumer’s and Seth Rogen’s smarmy commercials packed with “bipartisan” (AKA libtard talking points) disinformation didn’t set so well with beer buyers. Sales were down 5% for the quarter despite a lot of recent high-profile sports events which Bud was advertising within.

Of course the corporate liberals at A-B won’t admit that they might have made a mistake by going all liberal propaganda in simple beer commercials (liberals will politicize everything). A liberal will never admit a mistake if made in the furtherance of socialism. They are framing it as a change in branding and identity that was planned for.

Next up, Lady Gaga ads!

These people need to be fired.But you can bet that they’ll likely get promotions, bonuses and they’ll vote for Hillary (if not contribute to her campaign).

A Trump Gift

I just came from checking in on my Yahoo! Sports fantasy hockey team. Whenever you log out of your fantasy team you are dumped onto Yahoo!’s news page. It has for months done nothing more on the political front than run anti-Trump stories. I have yet to see a positive story or anything negative on Hillary Clinton.

That’s not an accident.

Sadly, this is typical of every major news outlet (with the exception of Fox News and it has been drifting leftward lately).

If nothing else, Donald Trump needs to be congratulated for wiping away any doubt (if there had remained) that the American news media is nothing more than a propaganda arm and disinformation agent for the Democratic Party.

I’ll not catalog their calumny beyond noting that if a Republican candidate had Hillary Clinton’s record of incompetence and criminality they’d have been destroyed long ago. Clinton makes Nixon and Harding look like choirboys. Her email server and the compromising of American secrets, American institutions and employees under her may be unmatched in history. The failure of the media to even do the basic in reporting is unforgivable.

So what to do?

I doubt the media will reform itself. Liberals do not hire conservatives or anyone that isn’t going to toe the line and swear fealty to gods of liberalism. And increasingly the corporate suites are packed with liberals — many now out of the closet and unafraid to use their companies as weapons of mass destruction against their American enemies and in servitude to international socialism.

One thing that can be done is to boycott what you can. After the hockey season I expect I’ll abandon Yahoo! completely. Does anyone know a good fantasy sports website? I have to admit that Yahoo! did fantasy sports well.

I make it a point to avoid linking to MSM (e.g. major networks, Washington Post, et al) stories in the blog. I encourage other bloggers to do the same. It’ll cut down on the click numbers for them.

Don’t buy their papers. I doubt sending letters to the editors mean anything any longer. I think they just dismiss the writers as racists, Nazis, bigots, etc.

Avoid the big TV networks and their programming.

As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m now boycotting the NFL, NBA and NCAA. I haven’t slipped yet and supposedly ratings for the NFL are down.

I’m learning and enjoying hockey and catching the last of the baseball season. I’m watching golf more and David Feherty is clearly a conservative but politics are basically left out of these sports and no one seems impelled to let the viewers know how hip, cool or progressive they are.

The liberal media corporations (and their sports allies) need to feel the consequences of their actions.

VDH on Trump and Schumer Is Booed

A double treat here.

Victor Davis Hanson says it as no one else can in “The Case for Trump.”

As problematic as Trump is, the Hillary Clinton presidency is not acceptable for the positive future of this country. She is the pinnacle of the modern, corrupt, grasping, self-dealing, nepotistic, racist, greedy, oppressive, socialist, totalitarian left.

A must read.

And for a special cherry on top comes this story on Amy Schumer getting booed in Tampa.

No, it’s not from a conservative source either. I’m amazed it made TV Week since that newsletter has pretty much run nonstop and egregious anti-Trump pieces. The name Hillary Clinton is alien to them.

But here it is, pushback for the random cultural attacks that anyone who is not a liberal is constantly subjected to.

And this is important. Do not patronize these people. Do not buy the tickets. Do not watch them on TV.

Schumer’s been lately on Bud Light beer commercials, claiming putative nonpartisanship in some fictional political party, yet in one commercial she recently asserted that “gender is a spectrum.”

It’s a beer commercial and here she is (and the Anheuser-Busch corporation) inserting very controversial, some would say incorrect and nontraditional, leftwing assumptions and political points.

Has anyone in any of these commercials seen the “Bud Light Party” utter a single conservative talking point? Plenty of libtard talking points but nothing on the other side of the real spectrum.

As I often say, the left will politicize anything and it will politicize everything — even beer commercials.

Do not buy the beer! Make these companies understand that carrying water for liberalism has consequences. Stop enriching these liberals.

Our Borg Left

Can there be any doubt that anything that the left touches becomes corrupted.

Here is a story about the nominally nonpartisan Committee to Protect Journalists. Now it has come out with a statement that Donald Trump is an unprecedented threat to press freedom though it insists that it’s not taking sides in the upcoming election. They said that with a straight face.


Admittedly any group of journalists is likely to be left-leaning and it is usually just a matter of time before it removes any pretense and just goes whole-hog into auxiliary service of the Democratic Party.

Interestingly, Hillary Clinton has her own plans to limit press freedoms. She wants to outlaw stories, movies, whatever, that paint politicians in a bad light.

CPJ seems to have missed that. Probably because most of their members decided not to report negative stories about Hillary Clinton.

And then there’s this piece about our wonderful public education system, which was drafted into service of the Democratic Party a long time ago.

I guess the surprising thing about this “letter” drafted by several “Teachers of the Year” is that they hadn’t done this before.

They certainly don’t hold back, pretty much equating Trump with the most heinous villains in history.

They also trot out lots of perfect moppet anecdotes of fear with tots crying on cue, “Mr. Supersmawt teacher, why does that scawwy Donald Twump want to huwt me?”

Our humble teachers are taking this extraordinary step… to save the children (from the Abominable Trumble).

Remember back during the first Clinton interregnum when so much of their calumny (especially at the EPA) was committed “for the children.”

Of course all of this couched in the insufferability that the conceited teaching profession has polished to a high sheen. These people think a lot of themselves and little of anyone who thinks differently (i.e. isn’t a liberal). To think, these people are paid by the taxpayer that these teachers so loathe.

The public education system needs to be torn down, sown with salt and its braying donkey membership put to digging ditches or handing out sippy straws and butt pillows at the old folks home… er… retirement community – actual, productive jobs rather than the well-compensated, publicly-funded liberal propagandameisters that they are now.

I’m not the first to note that the left ruins everything it touches and turns those things into tools of liberal propaganda, coercion, cultural and political warfare. Anything that resists is targeted for destruction.

Like the Borg, you will be assimilated or destroyed. There is no refuge from them.

Boycotting General Mills

Following up on my piece on corporate insanity at General Mills, “The Children Are in Charge,”here’s the list of boycott targets.

Besides well-known cereals such as Cheerios, Chex, Cocoa Puffs, Frankenberry, Golden Grahams, Kix, Lucky Charms, Total, Trix, Wheaties, et al:

Betty Crocker/Bisquick (my main dumpling ingredient)

Bugles (Dang!)

Gold Medal Flour

Green Giant (Oy!)

Hamburger Helper


Nature Valley

Old El Paso


Progresso (Ouch!)

Totinos (I actually like their frozen pizzas and they are cheap)


and the organic fave, Annie’s

Here’s the master list at the company website.

Several of these are regularly on my shopping list but we have to make sacrifices in this cultural war and make our feelings felt.

NCAA Decides to Punish North Carolina

No, no, not the University of North Carolina and the long-running investigation of academic fraud and the university’s sports program’s relationship to a pair of black-oriented academic “departments” that handed out positive grades to hundreds of athletes over many years so that they could stay in school.

No, the NCAA would never drop the hammer on a powerful school like UNC — better to hammer small private schools for minor infractions.

What I’m talking about here is the NCAA deciding to punish the state of North Carolina for its refusal to grant special rights to sexually confused people (and sexual predators) to choose what restroom/locker room/dressing to use and not be prosecuted for trespassing as 99% of the population would be.

Admittedly, the NCAA’s protection of the disturbed, perverted or scary seems odd but it is an institution taken over by liberals. And they will use their institution as a hammer to get their way, help their allies or promote the destruction of decent society.

So to punish the insufficiently progressive state the NCAA has decided not to play any “Championships” in North Carolina.

Yet, if the NCAA feels that North Carolina is such a horrible place for its friends, that they are threatened or at a minimum proscribed in the very practice of their being (I pervert, therefore I am), why do they not demand that no NCAA games or events ever be played in the state?

Going to the bathroom or disrobing wherever the hell you want has never been a right. It’s not a right for anyone. We ALL have to get along and be cognizant of our neighbors.

Besides, these types of state and community codes  are long-established. These are not new and the LGBTQEIEIO community” has always understood that it need to curb its desires for the good of the community. This is not some kind of damaging stricture. It is a simple expectation that they will behave as everyone else in the state behaves.  No one is being tossed on a fire. It’s human history.

So, c’mon, tough guys, go for it. Don’t do the Nancy-Boy “Championships”-only tack but step up to the plate like men. If you feel that strongly on the “Championships” why doesn’t that translate to all the time? Or do you think the N.C. code of conduct only pertains to around “Championships” time? Well, it doesn’t.

All of which reveals that this move isn’t about some bizarre definition of “civil rights,” but is rather a power play. An allegedly academic organization is trying to control a whole state. To make it dance to the NCAA’s sick tune. To garner special rights for its friends to not be prosecuted for behavior that others will be.

It wants to make the state feel some financial pain.

And it makes it clear that the NCAA doesn’t respect the Constitution or the concept of individual states being different than other states or allowing them to mostly govern themselves.

Well, I encourage the state to hold strong. It too has weapons. It can withhold money sent by state schools to the NCAA — for the NCAA’s discriminatory practices (hang the libs with their own ‘equal access’ canard). If the NCAA has any operations (like all those NCAA games) in the state, its tax exempt status can be revoked and then sued for those moneys. North Carolina’s senators and representatives in Congress can do the same thing. The NCAA is a cash cow so forcing it to pony-up taxes will definitely be felt.

It also needs to understand that its demand for special rights for less 1% of the population, and a mentally unstable lot at that, is a hostile act against a far larger number of people.

And I’ll do my part. As sports is increasingly politicized, aggressively, by liberals, I find my sports watching options shrinking. I abandoned the NFL years ago when it decided that people like Rush Limbaugh were unacceptable. I had avoided most NCAA football games over a number of issues — favoritism shown to large state schools, the obsession with money, the chaos among conferences, etc. — fro several years. I had been watching small conference games for the most part. I abandoned the NBA earlier this year over Adam Silver’s decision to make the NBA an arm of the Democratic Party (they had been on probation with me for a number of things) and now I’m going to have to abandon college basketball and the other NCAA sports too.

I’m now watching more baseball, hockey and I’m learning golfers’ names on The Golf Channel.

As I’ve said, make no mistake on this, these people are at war with us. And if they have to they will destroy every institution in America to get their way. They do not hide the fact that they view themselves as creating a new America. They think the old one stinks.

And we are supporting our own destruction by supporting them.

One last, semi-related point. At the bottom of a Yahoo! Sports story on this topic was one of those recommended stories listings. Here they were: “A man punched and grabbed protesters at a Trump rally in North Carolina;” “One of North Carolina’s most prestigious universities is backing the NCAA boycott;” and “A man punched and choked protesters at a Donald Trump rally in North Carolina.”

Jeebus Frickin’ Christ, Yahoo! Can you be anymore liberal?

Addendum: The Atlantic Coast Conference has decided to follow the NCAA’s lead and pull out of select North Carolina-based events. This definitely could get some serious action since the basketball tournament has traditionally been played in Greensboro. There might be some actually legal maneuvering on that front.

The Children Are in Charge

Power Line noted this bit of corporate insanity at General Mills. I can’t add much beyond a couple of small points.

One, it’s a private company so it can do whatever it wants — of course answering to the shareholders. Hopefully they are making shareholders aware of their idiocy.

Two, let’s examine this concept of contractors and suppliers by “consumer” composition. I think they have erred focusing only on sexist and racist solutions since probably a majority of their consumers are actually children. So the contractors and suppliers, along with the boardroom, should probably be half children. It also should include some criminals since criminals eat breakfast cereal. Probably a couple of morons too for the board. Oh, wait, sounds like “moron” is already taken care of.

Maybe they should also stack the board and determine contractors and suppliers by states and locales where they sell the most product.

I’m thinking that General Mills didn’t think their progressive bona fides all the way through. No matter how they cut it they will still be evil, discriminating bastards. They have yet to figure out that life itself is one discrimination after another.

Oh, and they make the point that I continually beat on here, liberals are politicizing everything. Now they are into the cereal.

My final note is that I will not be buying General Mills products any longer…

Silver Formalizes NBA as Arm of Dem. Party

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has essentially formalized the National Basketball Association as an arm of the Democratic Party by pulling the 2017 NBA All-Star Game from Charlotte, where it had been previously scheduled for several years, and is now shopping it around to other cities (gay-friendly cities, no doubt).

The reason, North Carolina’s “restroom law.” The law makes it clear that “transgender” people, homosexual people and others sexually confused folks will not be given special rights but rather have to follow the laws that the vast majority of us have to follow.

This did not make Silver and his fellow alternative sexuality activists happy. Silver and others apparently feel that homosexuals and “transgenders” make up a significant portion of the “NBA community” and would be inconvenienced in Charlotte during the game festivities. That’s his priority, folks, not basketball.

That the law actually changes nothing from what has taken place before, and the NBA has been playing games there for decades, is ignored by Silver & Co., who prefer to claim that the state is initiating some kind of Inquisition-style environment. I guess in the Silverized NBA homosexual activity and transgenders are considered commonplace in the league.

The NBA, and its redheaded stepdaughter, the WNBA, are being rapidly politicized – and it’s only liberal, Democrat-friendly politics that are welcomed by these self-professed “tolerant” and “diverse” cultural commissars. The WNBA, long with an open lesbian cohort, is even more political – often resembling a Women’s Studies Center on a college campus. The WNBA’s current political bone is mandatory Black Lies Matter support. Its players seem to think that its handful of fans are paying to hear their thoughts rather than watch them play. Who knows, perhaps they are right.

But as an NBA fan, I know most basketball fans are paying to see the players play, not lecture us politically.

Sadly, as I’ve noted before, liberals will politicize everything; sports included. Unless they are stopped.

So I’m taking a stand. I will henceforth boycott the NBA. No more NBA Network – and  I watch a lot of games – I even watched most of the Summer League games. No more broadcast NBA. No more Comcast Sports Washington Wizards games. No more Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Basketball – I  won my league last year and I’ve been doing it for more than 10 years.

Until the NBA gets back to what it is supposed to do, playing basketball, I’m cutting it off, Commissioner Silver. It can no longer claim me as a fan or a viewer. But I’m sure that Adam Silver’s gay and transgender buddies will make up for the loss of my eyes. After all, that’s who he thinks are the important people for the NBA.

I guess I’ll be watching more baseball and more hockey (I’ve given up on the NFL and most college football). I will still watch college basketball.