Tag Archives: Leftwing Terrorism

As the Bern Turns

So another crazed Bernie Sanders supporter goes nuts and starts shooting… This time in Alexandria, Virginia and at Republican congressmen and stafffers.

But unlike the Portland shooter from last month, the MSM couldn’t bury this story when it comes out that the maniac shooter is a Bernie Sanders supporter.

If you remember, the Portland killer was a “white supremacist” with clear anti-Muslim and racist intentions in initial reports, then he was nobody when his Bernie affiliation became apparent.

This time we have the more predictable MSM and law enforcement response — “We just can’t figure out this guy’s motive.” Despite his Facebook pages and a lengthy, well-documented hardcore lefty political trail, this clown is just as much a mystery as those Muslims yelling “Allahu, Akbar!” right before they detonate a bomb or stab a poor girl to death. “I do this in the name of Allah!” they shout and somehow our media mavens and law enforcement pros can’t figure out why they do it…

It’d be funny except people are getting killed in the forced pretend ignorance of moral equivalence.

And naturally something else is missing. Oh, yeah, the enforced groveling that comes when anyone to the right of Stalin does something or, more likely, says something the liberals don’t like. Then every libtard politico, celebrity and so-called journalist demands every Republican from the dogcatcher in Buttscratch, Utah, to the president of the United States condemn the perp.

Yet when a lefty goes on a rampage it’s crickets…

It took King Barry I, et al, about 2.9 seconds to blame conservatives and Confederate history for racist nutjob Dylann Roof yet somehow the far more commonplace lefty violence requires massive, lengthy investigations into “motive.”

Has any high-profile libtard been asked or voluntarily condemned the leftwing violence we’re seeing, especially on college campuses?

I know, silly question.

So how’s the MSM going to dissipate this embarrassment away?

More Trump-bashing!

My local radio news station WTOP just announced that Trump is under investigation for obstruction of justice. No quibbling there, even though it’s coming from one of those WaPoo stories based on leaks from mysterious unnamed insiders…

And there’s always Pizzagate guy… Any port in a storm for the MSM.

And there’s NPR pushing the condemnation of white racism in the Alt-Right movement by the “Southern Baptist Convention.” Though in the actual report the convention was condemning all racism… Nothing like twisting the news for the good of the liberal cause, or to get it out of the spotlight it suddenly found itself in.